Every now and then, some shipmate sends us a document from the ship's past. These are accessible to everyone through this page...
From Jack Stewart (64-69):
The (Windjammer Club) Menu came from BM1 EL Coward a Member of the 1964 Pre-com crew and a crew member till 1968. At that time the Army was giving Warrant status to Navy crew members to switch over. Coward took the offer and retired a WO2 from the Army after a couple of tours in Viet-Nam. He is a member of the Reeves family and I am sure he would be happy to see the menu posted on the web site. Follow this link for unbelievable prices!
From Robert Dudley (66-68): Two Family Grams and a POD.
The first was sent home in 1966 after REEVES had arrived in WESTPAC for its first forward deployment. CAPT Wentworth was the CO.
The second was sent home in 1968 when REEVES was returning to Long Beach after two years in WESTPAC and following a port call in Australia. CAPT Atkinson was the CO.
Robert has also provided us with the Plan of the Day for 6 July 1968. On that day, REEVES crossed into the domain of Neptunus Rex enroute to Australia and then home to Long Beach. REEVES had been forward deployed to Yokosuka for nearly two years at the time. This is a great read for those trying to remember all of the stuff that happened on that day.
Master Chief Luhrs and Master Chief Spencer have brought to light documents that are pertinent to the 1966-1968 Yokosuka-based crew. These include a transcription of an award announcement for the Battle "E" for fiscal year 1966, and a list of individual awards given in May 1967.
In a second batch, Neal has provided additional photographs, cancelled envelopes, a buckle and lighter, and a 1980s copy of a Welcome Aboard pamphlet that can be seen in a PDF format. The other items can be seen on the Artifact webpage.
Frank Jackson Jr. sent some of his memorabilia. As he explains in his cover letter, Frank was not a crew member of REEVES. He served on RANGER (CV61) as an ABE2 from 1981-1984. It seems that Frank visited the REEVES for a two of open houses (Brochure 1 and Brochure 2), and a Change of Command from CAPT Smith to CAPT Weber in 1983. He also picked up postcards (DLG24 and CG24) and three photos (Photo1, Photo2, and Photo3) of the ship.
John Hugdahl has sent a letter home written in November 1966 that talks about the Vietnamese family recovered by the ship.
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