Association Officers
The Association was founded at the first ship's reunion in Boulder-Longmont, CO, on 13 October 2006.  At the sixth reunion in Portland, OR, on 12 October 2014, a new slate of officers were elected.  They are:

Tom Bailey BT2 (SW) 1984-1987, President & Reunion Planner

Gerry Hines FTM2 1964-1968, Vice-President

Eric Wenzel YN2 1981-1985, Recording Secretary

Michael Robertson LTJG, CICO, 1972-1975, Treasurer, Historian

Officers will serve for a two-year period.  There are no rules regarding the terms or qualifications for office or the conduct of elections.

Kurt Stuvengen BT1 1980-1986, Ships Store

Charles Elkins IC3 1963-1966, Publicity

Paul Van Tassel LT 1970-1973, Membership Development

Who's On First?
John White - He started this whole thing a few years ago when he sent out his first call for volunteers to organize a reunion.  Robert Lewis stepped up to the plate.  And, as they say, the rest is history.

You can contact John White at:

Quarterly newsletters are published around mid-quarter of each season.  They are mailed in hard copy for those current and previous members who don't have computer access or prefer a paper version.
Reunion Planning
The Association plans for annual reunions that are scheduled on an alternating regional basis.  This would mean East Coast, West Coast, Mid-America.

The next reunion is planned to be held in Dayton Ohio on October 05-08 2023.  See our reunion page for more details.

Annual dues were approved at a level of $20 for 2010 and out years.  The purpose of dues is to defray expenses in preparing for reunions and the costs associated with mailings, newsletters, etc. In October 2018 we peoposed that the dues remain at the $20.00 per year level.  However, to meet the cash needs of the organization the term of the membershiop was changed to two years to match the two year cycles of our reunions. That means the dues are now $40.00 for every two years. 

Membership dues - both annual and lifetime - will soon be able to paid by credit card.  In the meantime, conventional postage methods will still work.

Lifetime memberships were approved by shipmates at the 2014 Reunion Meeting.  Based on the USNCSA model, the following schedule has been established:

Under age 50 (<50) $500
Under age 60 (50-59) $400
Under age 70 (60-69) $300
Under age 80 (70-79) $200
Age 80 and older (>79) $100


The Association accepts donations to help further the establishment of a viable and financially solvent organization.  Please read the note below regarding the tax status of donations.

Currently, membership is open to all former members of the USS Reeves ship's company.  The below link will open an image of the application (printable) with a link to a ZIP file for an application form.  It is available in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.   Both are interactive and can be filled in directly.  Alternately, open either form, print it and then fill it out by hand.  Mail the completed form with a check or money order to Tom Bailey at the address at the bottom of the form.

USS Reeves Application Form

Note:  The Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization that has been registered with the Internal Revenue Service and is domiciled in the State of Texas.  Our FEIN is 86-1163983.  At the moment, the Association is not incorporated and therefore has neither a federal nor state tax-exempt status.  This also means that it is not registered with any state corporation commission.  Any donations made to the Association are not currently tax deductible, but we're working on it.

2020 USS Reeves Association. All rights reserved. Last update: 12/13/2022